Monday, April 29, 2013

Deliver us from evil

President Obama while addressing representatives of Planned Parenthood: "Thank you, Planned Parenthood, and God bless you."*

To me, this is beyond sense, so I can't even comment on the absurdity of saying "God bless you" to an orgnization that, according to CNSNews .com, murdered over 300,000 babies in 2011.

Speechless though I may be regarding the quote, it reminded me of something that I think about now and then: when we read about ancient societies, or even fairly modern societies, we come to regard some to have been evil and some to have been noble, the mantle of nobility usually belonging to the victor as a spoil of war. Granted, there is always a sort of balance between what our modern society considers acceptable and that which crosses the line. Ultimately, we're met with the dilemma of trying to balance out phenomenal architecture against slavery, or paved roads and plumbing against military expansion of the Empire, a somewhat perplexing balancing act, at best.

Yet, when history depicts a society as being utterly, totally, absolutely dripping with evil, the description of that society always includes a little tag at the end that goes something like this: Oh, yeah, and they killed babies, too.

And that little tag, that little factoid, sets up the mandatory response, "Well, it's a good thing they were wiped off of the face of the earth."

In the wake of quotes and sentiments such as those our President offered during his recent speech to reps of Planned Parenthood, I can't help but take a look through my Magic Telescope to see what's up ahead.

I see someone, like me only wearing a George Jetson liesure suit, watching holographic historical recordings about ancient Usa and thinking, "Wow, the District of Columbia used to control that whole continent? How odd...." Then, as the factoids begin to mount against "Usa" as a noble society, the dreams realized in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights long forgotten for the sake of humanity's greater glory, they come upon the moment of judgement, the balancing act, and what fills the scales on the side of nobility? By then, according to the Magic Telescope, only social networking and cosmetic enhancements, the future historians concluding that, once a culture refuses God, all paths become vanity.

And as the recording comes to an end, a serious-looking, computer-generated young Walter Kronkite, says, "And they killed their babies."

So, "God bless" Planned Parenthood?

More like "God have mercy on us, and deliver us from evil." 

*(cnsnews . com) One of many sources